Anthem was formed to uplift our team’s ambitions to promote goodness and safeguard our environment.


Save the BWCA

Currently, The Boundary Waters and surrounding waterways are being threatened by sulfide-ore copper mining. Sulfide-ore copper mining produces hazardous byproducts such as sulfuric acid and heavy metals which are extremely harmful to both wildlife and people. Help us protect this sacred space.


Maui Wildfire

The devastating wildfire that left Lahina, Maui in ruins also displaced families, pets and wildlife. See how you can help.


animal welfare

We’re all animal lovers at Anthem. Here are some of our favorite animal welfare causes you can support.

community impact


Our team is fully entrenched in giving back where our passions and talents lead us. Over the years, we’ve donated hours of time, money, and energy to make community impact. Every participating act we believe is the driving force for good and a mission of this company.

Invested in the BWCA
Community Sponsorship
Orgs Supported

Our Values

Be Curious

Speak with Candor

Move Fast

Own It

Do the Right Thing

Give Joy

Organizations We’ve Supported

Common Cup